Structured Cabling is the foundation of your Information Technology (IT) strategy.

The use of timely accurate information is a key requirement for any successful business today. The caliber and performance of your IT systems and the networks they run on can mean the difference between success and failure in today's competitive business environment. What is often overlooked, however, is the critically important role that your cabling system plays in supporting your IT systems.

Your cabling infrastructure typically accounts for a small portion of your total IT systems and networking investment, yet an improperly designed and installed cabling system can be the cause of chronic network problems that may prevent you from ever realizing the true potential of your IT strategy.

Moreover, the negative impact of an inadequate cabling infrastructure will only become more evident as you add new applications, more users and faster networking speeds throughout your business; both today and in years to come. Now is the time to develop and implement an effective structured cabling decision into your overall IT systems and networking strategy.